Finger Citron

Finger Citron, a Health Food for Autumn

As autumn approaches, it's crucial to adapt our diets to support our health. Unlike other seasons, autumn is not the time for heavy tonics. Instead, it's more beneficial to consume foods that help remove dampness. This is because, even after the onset of autumn, the temperature remains high for a while, and the air is often humid, making us feel stuffy and damp. Additionally, the consumption of cold drinks during summer can weaken the spleen and stomach functions. Overloading with heavy nourishing foods can further strain these organs, leading to digestive disorders. Therefore, a light tonic is more suitable in early autumn. Let's explore the characteristics and benefits of Finger Citron, also known as Buddha's Hand, which is an excellent choice for this season.

Characteristics of Finger Citron

Finger Citron, commonly referred to as Buddha's Hand (Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis), is a unique citrus fruit known for its distinctive shape, resembling a hand with outstretched fingers. Unlike other citrus fruits, Finger Citron has minimal pulp and juice but is rich in fragrant, zesty peel. It has been valued for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine and cuisine for its aromatic properties and health benefits.

Health Benefits of Finger Citron

1.Aids Digestion:

Finger Citron is renowned for its ability to promote digestion. It contains essential oils and compounds that stimulate the production of digestive enzymes, enhancing the digestive process and alleviating symptoms such as bloating, nausea, and indigestion. This makes it an ideal food to support a weakened spleen and stomach after a summer of cold drink consumption.

2.Removes Dampness:

In traditional Chinese medicine, Finger Citron is used to dispel dampness from the body. The humid conditions in early autumn can lead to an accumulation of dampness, causing discomfort and sluggishness. Consuming Finger Citron helps balance the body's internal environment by reducing this excess moisture.

3.Relieves Respiratory Issues:

The aromatic compounds in Finger Citron have expectorant properties, making it beneficial for respiratory health. It can help alleviate coughs, phlegm, and other respiratory issues, which are common as the weather transitions from warm to cool.

4.Boosts Immunity:

Rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, Finger Citron helps strengthen the immune system. This is particularly important in autumn, as the changing weather can make the body more susceptible to infections and illnesses.

5.Calms the Mind:

The pleasant aroma of Finger Citron has calming effects on the mind and body. It is often used in aromatherapy to reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of well-being and relaxation.

How to Incorporate Finger Citron into Your Diet

Finger Citron can be used in various culinary applications to take advantage of its health benefits:

Tea:  Infuse slices of Finger Citron in hot water to make a fragrant and soothing tea. This can be enjoyed on its own or with a touch of honey for added sweetness.

Candied: Finger Citron can be candied to create a delicious treat that also supports digestion.

Cooking: Use the zest of Finger Citron in cooking to add a burst of citrus flavor to dishes. It pairs well with both savory and sweet recipes.

Preserves: Make preserves or marmalade with Finger Citron to enjoy its benefits year-round.


In early autumn, it is wise to focus on foods that support digestion and remove dampness, rather than indulging in heavy tonics. Finger Citron, with its unique characteristics and numerous health benefits, is an excellent choice. By incorporating this fragrant fruit into your diet, you can help balance your body's internal environment, support your digestive system, and enjoy a smooth transition into the cooler months.

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